Monday, 18 April 2016

TORs of two days training on “Solid Waste Management and Hygiene Awareness”

Islamic Relief Pakistan

TERMS OF REFRENCE for Consultancy Service
 “Trainings of Government Line Departments, Local and International NGOs  on Solid Waste Management and Hygiene Awareness”

Noshki and Chagai Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Project (BWSP-II)


General Information:

A combination of modern and conventional techniques proposed to address WASH related needs of 44,394 people in district Chagai and Noshki of Baluchistan. The capacity building aspect focused around modern techniques and operation and maintenance trainings is targeting both communities and line agencies to add sustainability and self-sufficiency. The project is designed to support both emergency needs and its long term impact in the targeted areas. The project envisages a core component of learning mechanism for adoption of modern techniques in addressing water needs in technically complex situations.

Agency Background:

Founded in the UK in 1984 as an International Relief and Development Charity, Islamic Relief aims to alleviate the suffering of the world’s poorest people without discrimination. As a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), the focus since inception has been responding to disasters and emergencies linking them to sustainable economic and social development by working with local communities - regardless of race, religion or gender.

Islamic Relief (IR) is in Consultative status (category special) with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, signatory to the Code of Conduct of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent (since 1995) and to the Code of Conduct of People in Aid. Since 2002 Islamic Relief is a framework partner of ECHO (the European Community Humanitarian Aid department, FPA nr 251, NGO nr: 195). It is also a member of BOND (British Overseas NGOs for Development) and DEC (Disaster Emergencies Committee).

IRP has implemented numerous relief and development projects in Balochistan. Currently, IRP has been implementing six projects in two districts of Balochistan: Noshki and Chagai with funding source of DFID, SIDA, IRUK and IRUSA in Renewable Energy, WASH, Livelihood and health sector. IRP’s acceptance by the targeted communities is a clear indication of the success of current and previous projects as they fulfil the needs of the poor. IRP has also built strong relationship with the different departments of the government of Balochistan. The projects are smoothly running with the coordination and cooperation of line departments including health, livestock, education and public health engineering departments.

Background of the Project

Islamic relief has worked in District Chagai and Noshki of Balochistan for many years and has good acceptance and reputation in the area. Both districts are large and sparsely populated. Most villages comprise of a few dozen households making it economical unviable for any public or private entity to initiate any water supply, health or any other civic schemes.  The province in general and these two districts particularly suffer from poor governance and limited public sector facilities. This region is generally marked with large treks of deserts with dry mountains. Rainfall is the minimum in Pakistan and since the last two decades, the area is faced with droughts impacting on livestock and local agriculture two of the main means of livelihood. Through this project, Islamic relief plans to assist most vulnerable communities of targeted UCs of district Chagai and Noshki with the provision of clean and safe drinking water pumping systems powered by the solar energy.  The proposed solutions are combination of traditional solution to modern ones. The objective is to enhance knowledge and experience of different stakeholders to benefit the sector with more options to address the complex situations like non availability of drinkable water in the practically accessible distance. Moreover, it also focuses on aspect related to operation and maintenance which is address in two folds. On one hand we are inducing necessary capacities in the target communities on operation and maintenance of the provided facilities which require little or no maintenance and on the other hand awareness raising and capacity building of line agencies is targeted to enable them to design their facilities using renewable energy options.
These two tiers are expected to contribute towards sustainable provision of intended support with little or no maintenance expenses.

The overall Goal of BWSP-II project is:

Enhanced resilience through sustainable delivery of water, health, sanitation and hygiene services in Noshki and Chagai district

Result 1:
Increased use of sustainable and safe water sources for the targeted communities through disaster resilient approach.

Result 2:
Improved safe hygiene practices through awareness and better sanitation facilities in targeted communities including schools

Competency and expertise required

The prospective Consultant should have an academic background and require an appropriate balance of management, technical skills, and knowledge of the Solid Waste Management and Hygiene Awareness and experience on delivering training programs in the same niche.



The consultant shall provide the following services, during this assignment of the project:

1. Training course material development
2. Conduct the capacity building training of IR staff, reps from line departments
3. Training Report
Details regarding the trainings contents attached as


Consultant would be engaging to conduct a training sessions which is “Trainings of Government Line Departments, Local and International NGOs on Solid Waste Management and Hygiene Awareness”

Details about the training are discusses below: -

Trainings of Government Line Departments, Local and International NGOs would be organized on Solid Waste Management and Hygiene Awareness. The ultimate goal of the training program is to address capacity building on solid waste management and hygiene awareness and the aspects covered would revolve around principle of reduce, reuse, recycle and to safe from diseases. A total of 20 individuals are expected to be trained through this training which would consist of Government Line department, local and International.

Core output of Training:

Following outputs of the subject trainings should be achieved: -

1. Increased knowledge and capacities of local Government line departments, local and international NGOs on solid waste management and hygiene awareness.
2. Representative from concerned line agencies would be engaged for solid waste management training on various techniques and tools to ensure environmental friendly solid waste treatment options. The aspects covered would revolve around principle of reduce, reuse, recycle.
3. In addition, the capacity of the local Government concerned line agencies, local and international NGOs will be built and also will be working closely with IRP for celebration of international days and the campaign hygiene and solid waste management.

Note: Course objective has been proposed to throw an idea about the targets to be achieved in the training. Consultants may add or subtract points/discussion agendas from the proposed content.

Training Duration: 2 Days

Training Venue: Quetta

Audience/ Participants: Training participants will be finalized by IR.


Consultant will be hold the Trainings of Government Line department, local and International NGOs on solid waste management and hygiene awareness in the month of May 2016.

IR Responsibilities:

Arrangements regarding Training venue for training delivery will be done by IR.
Training delivery accessories like multimedia, banners, charts, markers, audio-visual aids, and demonstration would also be arranged by IR.
Meals and tea arrangement for the trainees will be done by IR.
Boarding and lodging arrangements of the consultant and participants would be incurred by IR.
Training certificates for the trainees

Consultant Role & Responsibilities:

Following will be the role of consultants regarding training:

Préparation of training manual/course, handouts, and other materials for effective delivery and future reference by the field practitioners before the actual commencement of trainings
Delivery of the training
Compilation and submission of training completion report consisting of standard quality contents


Consultant shall produce a comprehensive, clear and concise training course/manual on solid waste management and hygiene awareness after one week of completion of the training.

Payment Terms and Conditions

The payments will be made via cheque. All applicable government taxes will be deducted from the payment amount. The schedule for payment will be as follows:
50% on start of trainings
50% on receiving the Final Report

Inquires & Submission

The proposal should include the following:
Detailed profile of the bidding consultant /organization/firm with registrations certificate.
Financial proposal which includes Trainer and Co-trainer fee. Proposed amounts should be inclusive of all kinds of applicable taxes and duties.
Technical proposal which may include course contents, experience, list of clients, Number of trainings completed.
Detailed work plan
Methodology and capacity of institution

•Deadline for submission of detailed proposal is April 25, 2016. Sealed Proposals should be sent to: -

“Procurement Committee
Islamic Relief
H # 43-B, Chaman Housing Scheme, Air Port Road Quetta,


The objectives of this assignment are as follows;

To improve the capacity of the Government Line department, local, International NGOs and elected representatives on

1. Solid Waste Management :
Integrated municipal solid waste (MSW)
Development of integrated municipal solid waste management plans
Minimization of waste
Good practices of waste management in Pakistan.
Types of waste and Segregation methods.
Healthcare waste management
Collection and treatment of waste
Waste to Energy
Small scale waste utilization systems locally available.
Final disposal. Landfills

2. Hygiène Awareness:
Waster Born diseases and reasons
Water quality tests and improvements.
Designing of water supply schemes in a way to take care of Health & Hygiene.
WASH Schemes are designed with proper drainage systems, and having clean and hygienic surroundings.
Proper disposal of solid and liquid waste.

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